Friday, April 8, 2011

Fecker Brewing, Danville, illinois 1903 to 1939


The Fecker Brewing Company Plant which was purchased in 1903, although the owner Col.
Ernest Fecker embarked in brewing business under the name Fecker Brewing Company since
1890 at another location on Dudley and Bloomington Road.
According to the 1940 Danville City
Directory the Fecker Brewing Plant was located at 329 E. North and brewed old exported beer,
and Fecker’s Pilsener Beer. As per the HISTORY OF VERMILION COUNTY, VOL. II, by Williams, Col. Ernest Fecker Jr.was the owner and President of Fecker Brewery in Danville. He served as President of the company until his death on November 25, 1925, in Missouri.
Herbert S. Fecker succeeded as President of the Fecker Brewery, and sold the plant to the Lauhoff Grain Company in 1940.


  1. This is amazing. My name is Joseph Fecker and I am always interested in Fecker Brewery info

  2. I have a beautiful Feckers High Grade Porcelain Sign For Sale

  3. Does anyone know where i can find the recipe of Fecker Beer? Did they brew more than one flavor?
